忠箴 Loyalty
- 和箴
- HO (Harmony)
審一定和 | 應情中節 | 不剛不柔 | 己安人悅 |
行不崖異 | 虛衷遜辭 | 和而不流 | 是為得之 |
審一定和 和乃萬物之生氣,生氣之本在心。人心不死,本性不失,性一而已。故定一為和之本源。
應情中節 和從中出,應於情感,則無不中禮節之處。
不剛不柔 己安人悅 純剛是死氣,純柔亦是死氣。凡萬物之生氣,柔中有剛,剛中有柔,所以不剛不柔,乃天地中和之氣。以中和之氣,應於情感,在自己可以心安,在他人可以心悅。
行不崖異 和平之人,做事必不孤僻。
O(莊子)「行不崖異謂之寬。」 謂自立於崖岸以表異也,即孤僻之謂。
虛衷遜辭 心中有若虛空,立辭必然謙遜。
和而不流 是為得之 若徒知和之為貴,而一於和,則流蕩忘反,亦不可行。故君子和而不流,而後得和之美用。
In order to be in a state of HO (Harmony), we have to be introspective and examine well into our hearts. No one can be said to be truly in a state of harmony unless one is able to regulate one’s feelings to a reasonable degree (A). If one’s action is neither too rigid nor too elastic, it pleases both one’s own good self and others. A person of harmony never tries to be extraordinary but is always polite and amiable. Being harmonious, while not conforming to others, is to truly achieve the character HO. (B).
(A) The Doctrine of the Mean: “When there is no stirring of pleasure, anger, sorrow or joy, the mind may be said to be in a state of equilibrium. When these feelings are stirred but are constrained, there ensues what may be called a state of harmony.”
(B) The Doctrine of the Mean: “Therefore, when an honorable person cultivates a friendly harmony without conforming, it is a wonderful thing.”