Consciousness – 覺箴
- 覺箴
- JUE (Consciousness)
天生我材 | 是為世用 | 醉生夢死 | 何足為重 |
見性明心 | 端賴善學 | 正誼明道 | 以覺後覺 |
天生我材 是為世用 天既生我以才智,是為世間有益之用。
O 材,與才通。
醉生夢死 何足為重 若心為見聞所惑,唯求自利,如醉如夢,昏瞶一生。此等人於世無益,不足輕重。
O(程子語錄)「 雖高明才智,膠於見聞,醉生夢死,不得覺也。」
見性明心 欲知我佛之真如實相,必須洞明心性之本源。
端賴善學 欲洞明心性之本源,全在自己心正而加之以行修方可。
O(雜記)「心正而 行修,曰善學。」
正誼明道 如自己覺悟一切事物之真實理相,必先定其正誼,使民勿入歧途。明其至道, 使民有所依歸。
以覺後覺 以之覺化後人,同歸正覺,此乃聖賢仙佛救世之苦心也。
Heaven has gifted us with talents and wisdom to enable us to render services to the world. If we let our selfish desires get the better of us and allow ourselves to be unconscious and dreaming all the time, then our existence will become of no importance to the world. In order to find out the truth about life, we must first of all readjust our hearts and thoughts. Once we have found the truth, it is our duty to propagate it and teach it to others who have not yet achieved JUE (A).
(A) The Works of Mencius: “I am the one gifted by Heaven with the talents and wisdom to first comprehend the truth. I will propagate it and teach the people.”