忠 –

  1. 成就了別人,超達了自己。
  2. 忠於國、忠於家、忠於朋友。
  3. 在於融和處事,不可以偏激或乏力,才是中正不偏的忠。
  4. 在衡量事物的重要性時,必然要選擇有比自己還要更重要的本質;
  5. 在衡量事情的效果性時,必然要選擇有比自己還要更遠大的成果。

Loyalty –

  1. In helping others achieve their goals, you achieve beyond your own goals.
  2. Be loyal to your country, family, and friends.
  3. True loyalty is to harmoniously handle any matter, neither being extreme nor lackadaisical.
  4. When weighing the importance of matters, one must choose beyond self-importance.
  5. When evaluating effectiveness, one must choose the farthest-reaching results beyond self-interest.               

恕 –

  1. 鬆弛人與人之間的崩騰,寬平自己的內心世界。
  2. 是寬恕和原諒,使自己得回寧靜的心。  
  3. 不恕便是懷恨和抱怨,使自己忿忿不開心。
  4. 恕使人開懷,不恕使人不開心,是無需思考來取捨。
  5. 不怨天,不尤人,心能寧靜與否,全是自己的責任。

Forgiveness –

  1. Forgiveness relieves tension among people and pacifies our heart and mind. 
  2. To forgive and to pardon restores our peaceful mind.
  3. Being unforgiving means holding onto grudges and resentments which actively make yourself unhappy.
  4. Forgiveness makes people happy and unforgiveness makes people unhappy. The choice is obvious without analysis.    
  5. Do not blame the heavens or others; We are solely responsible for whether our mind can be at peace or not.  

廉 –

  1. 廉宜,以簡單樸實為品味,來減除好勝奢侈的心頭。    
  2. 清廉,以淡然名利為操守,來杜絕貪求多得的欲望。    
  3. 人所以開心,不是在於有,而是活得無著的單純。
  4. 人的不開心,不是在於無,而是活得執著的繁複。
  5. 要自豪的,不在擁有,而在自己的言行能否鼓舞別人。

Integrity –

  1. To live with integrity is to live simply and plainly, so that it can lessen the urge to win and to live extravagantly. 
  2. To live with integrity is to have an incorruptible mind unmoved by fame or self-interest, so that it can deter greedy desire.      
  3. Being happy is not derived from having possessions; it is from living simply without mental attachments to materials.
  4. Being unhappy is not derived from lacking in possessions; it is from living with the complexity of material attachments.    
  5. Pride comes not from your possessions, but from your ability to inspire others through your good deeds.  

明 –

  1. 首先要知己,因為知人者智,自知者明。
  2. 知人多昧於看己之失,自知多昧於晦人之過。
  3. 不要逞強精明,不要憂心別人看自己能成好人的柔遜。
  4. 知道了道理而加以磨鍊實習,才算真明。
  5. 酒色財氣能污染品行,能不染就是真正明白。

Insight –

  1. Know yourself first because, while knowing others requires intelligence, knowing yourself makes one proficient at understanding life.
  2. Scrutinizing others often hinders self-introspect for our mistake; Knowing yourself often take it lightly to scrutinize on other’s oversight.
  3. Do not show off your shrewdness and worry not what others may think of your gentle nature, which is what makes you a good human being.
  4. Knowing and forging such knowledge in life is true understanding.
  5. Alcohol, lust, avarice and anger can defile one’s behavior. People who can remain unstained have a true understanding of those dangerous habits.

德 –

  1. 忍讓謙和是內在美德,博施濟眾便是公德。
  2. 損人利己,不理公益便是缺德。
  3. 德可以培養出寧靜的心而使人容易感受到快樂。
  4. 德可以用來善應人與事而使人減少人為的苦惱。
  5. 以德待人,便是以最高度的人性本質,替面對的帶來非常正面的薰陶。 

Ethics –

  1. Forbearance and humility are the inner ethics; generosity to aid society is the outer ethics.
  2. Benefiting yourself at the expense of others and ignoring public welfare is unethical.
  3. Ethics engenders a peaceful mind that easily leads to happiness.
  4. Ethics can be used to deal with life tactfully to avoid creating distress.
  5. Treating others ethically is the noblest human quality to positively influence those we encounter. 

正  –

  1. 天下事物正的都好,不正的如彎心曲性、負念邪行等等都會是不好。
  2. 方正的事物可以取用,方正的人格可以取信。
  3. 人皆想開心,但忽略了不正情緒的作硬。
  4. 人皆想做好,但忽略了要正心飭己為先。
  5. 事與願違,使人不開心。心身與正確思想相違,更是成敗得失的始末 。


  1. Everything that is upright is proper. What is not upright, such as a crooked mind, a negative thought, or a vicious deed is improper. 
  2. Material that can stand upright is useful; an upright person is trustworthy.
  3. Everyone wants happiness, but neglects the hardening of their negative emotions.
  4. Everyone wants to do good, but neglects first having an upright mindset.
  5. Unfulfilled wishes make one unhappy. The fundamental cause for failure is when one’s actions contradict one’s upright thinking.   

義 –

  1. 以別人為先的道義準則。
  2. 濟困扶危,不為報酬,只為正義。
  3. 道義能產生溫情,是生活上強而有力的快樂泉源。
  4. 家變訴訟大多由於因利失義,因失義而失眾,以至互相仇怨爭持。
  5. 以體恤別人去寬平不滿,若世間少一分不滿,人生便多一分圓滿。

Righteousness –

  1. The moral principle of righteousness is to put others first. 
  2. Unconditional to help others’ predicament is the most righteous act.
  3. Righteousness fosters good rapport with people and is a powerful source of happiness. 
  4. Most of the family turmoil and litigation are instigated through self-interest superseding righteousness. Unrighteousness breaks people apart and so is the root cause of strife. 
  5. Compassion eases others’ dissatisfaction. Our lives become more fulfilled as dissatisfaction lessen in the world. 

信 –

  1. 人無信不立,社會國家無信必成紊亂。
  2. 失敗乃成功之母。不要害怕失敗,便是自信的開始。
  3. 不要瞎信,要看信實,便是處事的誠信。
  4. 堅守承諾,言出必行,便能取信於人而事事亨通。
  5. 若然失信,任何事情便成有始無終。

Trust –

  1. An untrustworthy person cannot succeed. A distrustful society or country becomes chaotic.
  2. Failure is the mother of success. Fearlessness of failure engenders self-trust.
  3. Don’t blindly trust. Seeking reliable evidence is the most trustworthy action in dealing with any matter.   
  4. Honoring promises with actions earns trust from others and leads to a prosperous life. 
  5. Without self-trust or trust from others, nothing can be achieved.  

忍 –

  1. 忍是用來按耐內心的衝動情緒。
  2. 能按著惡性的衝動便是忍耐,能按著善性的衝動便是忍心。
  3. 忍是以柔勝剛,以退為進的穩重氣魄。
  4. 不忍便是囂張浮躁,魯莽輕率的意氣。
  5. 不是一生一世甚麼都要忍,而是忍著小如當下倏忽拂意的一點。

Forbearance –

  1. Forbearance is self-restraint over impulsive emotions.
  2. To restrain vicious impulsive emotions is forbearance; to restrain kind impulsive emotions is indifference. 
  3. Forbearance is steadfast courage where soft overcomes hard and advancing by retreating.  
  4. Not to forbear is to be arrogant, impetuous, reckless, and imprudent.
  5. It is not that we must forbear all our lives, but in each tiny moment of upset. 

公 –

  1. 秉公辦事,不自私自利,以大眾利益為本。
  2. 若人人只顧私益,撫卹社會的公益便無人問津。
  3. 若人人只顧私德,維護社會的公德便無人修習。
  4. 不要時常盤算私下的時間、精神和體力是比較別人的還要寶貴可珍。
  5. 以大公無私的心,容下外在的世界,便能減少與別人的距離和紛爭。

Impartiality –

  1. Dealing with worldly matters impartially means being unswayed by self-interest, and guided by public interest. 
  2. If everyone only cares about their self-interest, no one will be concerned about the welfare of society. 
  3. If everyone only cares about their own ethics, no one will practice morality for the public good.
  4. Don’t meticulously measure your time, energy and strength as more precious than that of others’. 
  5. With immense impartiality and a selfless heart to embrace the world, distance and contention with others will be diminished.

博 –

  1. 要博大如山,汪涵如海,便要能接受。
  2. 慈善社會時能給與任何物類,便是博施濟眾。
  3. 應對人生時能接受任何事情,便是胸襟溥博。
  4. 不能接受,便會抗拒,抗拒愈猛烈,陝隘和煩惱亦會相繼益增。
  5. 接受不是懦弱被動,是給與思維空間去斟酌,而不接受便會有魯莽繃騰的反應。

Broadness –

  1. To be as broad as a mountain or as vast as the sea, we must accept whatever comes to us.
  2. Giving help to the needy without any differentiation is a broad range of charity.
  3. Accepting worldly matters without distinguishing between good or bad makes one a broad-minded person.
  4. Non-acceptance resists and escalates. The fiercer the resistance, the more restrictive and troublesome the issue will become.  
  5. Acceptance is neither cowardly nor passive, but creates a gap for analysis. Non-acceptance leads to reckless and rampant impulses.  

孝 –

  1. 孝道是一切善良行為的基礎。
  2. 子女孝順否,多數關乎父母對其上一代孝不孝。
  3. 父慈子孝是代表著這兩極情操對拉得均衡。若不均衡,便是不慈或不孝了。
  4. 從少學懂感恩,那怕孝道不生。
  5. 孝不能以物質替代,尊重和陪伴才是孝的基本。

Filial Piety –

  1. Filial Piety is the basis for all kindness.
  2. Filial piety from children reflects how their parents treat their own parents.   
  3. Parental kindness and children’s filial piety demonstrate that these two polar sentiments must be kept in balance. If not, either the parent is unkind or children are unfilial.
  4. Learn to be grateful since young so that filial piety is well-seeded.
  5. Filial piety transcends materials and is based on respect and togetherness. 

仁 –

  1. 要有好生愛物的仁心,必先要自愛。
  2. 愛護眾生如己,對世間生命都要有惻隱之心。
  3. 人溺猶如己溺,人飢猶如己飢,便是仁厚心腸。
  4. 仁者靜、仁者壽和仁者榮,相反的便是躁、夭和受辱的結果。
  5. 仁愛有著黏合的性能,有仁愛便沒有破碎的家庭、分裂的團體、分歧的民族。

Benevolence –

  1. To have a benevolent heart is to be compassionate towards living creatures and to cherish materials begins with self-love. 
  2. To love any life as you love yourself is being compassionate to all creatures.
  3. A sincere and compassionate heart drowns when others are drowning and hungers when others are hungry.  
  4. The benevolent person is calm, long-lived and honorable while the opposite is restless, short-lived, and dishonorable. 
  5. Benevolence is capable of coalescence; hence no broken families, divided groups, and racial strife.  

慈 –

  1. 無慈無德,德行難成。
  2. 慈因深切了解世間的煩惱,而抒發出利物濟人的愛心。
  3. 不了解會使人鬱悶,嚴重的便會冷酷不慈,沒有愛心了。
  4. 了解使人心神舒緩,但費力埋怨別人不了解自己的卻總是偏多!
  5. 慈不一定是物質的給予,給予身旁的一份了解,亦是人生最好的給予。

Mercifulness –

  1. Without mercifulness, one would find it difficult to nurture ethics.
  2. Mercifulness begins to manifest when someone deeply understands the sorrows of the world and counters it with kindness to help and aid. 
  3. A lack of understanding can lead to resentment and, more seriously, to cruelty without mercy.
  4. Understanding others can soothe to our mind. However, we often spend our effort to complain that others do not understand us.  
  5. Mercifulness is not necessarily a giving of material. Giving the world around us a sense of understanding is nonetheless a best gift in life. 

覺  –

  1. 覺是不迷,不亂,更有去除苦惱的覺醒。
  2. 迷而不覺,大多是思維迷失於過去和未來的時間之中。
  3. 生活若否卻了現在時空,便是迷,便是苦惱的開始。
  4. 生活顛倒是活得早晚不分,人生顛倒是活在沒有現在的時刻。
  5. 過去經驗,是應用於現在每一步;未來目標,是完成於現在每一著。

Consciousness –

  1. Being conscious means being neither deluded nor confused and free from vexations. 
  2. Being unconscious of one’s delusions usually means one is lost in past and future thoughts.
  3. Not living in the now is to live with delusion. This is the start of anguish.  
  4. A topsy-turvy day mixes the morning with evening while a topsy-turvy life means not living in the now. 
  5. Past experiences guide each present step; Future goals are achieved with each present execution.  

節  –

  1. 是一種鍥而不捨能使夢想成真的承擔。
  2. 節因不依賴別人和責無旁貸,故有爭回自主的精神。
  3. 自主不只在行為上,在精神上尤要爭得自主。
  4. 失了自主,便很容易被物欲所制而成生活中的勞役。
  5. 節猶如人生路上的交通燈,使人進退安心。

Temperance –

  1. Temperance is a self-determination that can build perseverance and help make dreams come true. 
  2. Temperance is composed of self-dependence and self-responsibility that helps to restore the spirit of self-reliance.
  3. Self-reliance is not only for one’s body but also for one’s spirit. 
  4. Without self-reliance, we are easily tempted and enslaved by desires. 
  5. Temperance is like a traffic light that can reassure the safety for us to go forward or stop.  

儉  –

  1. 儉有儉樸和儉約等德行來提醒人們對擁有的物質和精神不可亂用。
  2. 儉樸能降服驕奢,以防遇上生活物質的不足。
  3. 儉約能收斂逸樂,以防遇上迷惑享樂的不足。
  4. 物質可以使生活變得繁華瑰麗,但不能保證人生會同時變得快樂安寧。
  5. 心常知足,便有餘錢、有餘時、有餘力地活得泰然自足。

Frugality –

  1. Frugality is an ethic reminding people not to squander what they have. 
  2. Frugality subdues arrogance and extravagance so as to prevent us from facing the possibility of material deficiencies in life.
  3. Frugality restrains sybaritic desires, so as to prevent us from indulgence. 
  4. Materialism embellishes and enhances life, but it cannot guarantee peace and happiness. 
  5. With an abundance mentality, our lives will be peaceful and we will be more content with the money, time and strength we have.  

真 –

  1. 處世待人要真,不虛偽欺詐。
  2. 真的,自以為我的自我所做的都會是虛假。
  3. 自我愈渺小,人的真意便愈顯現。自我愈衰弱,真我亦會愈堅強。
  4. 不要自炫其才,自以為是,自誇其功,又或自滿其成來延續自我的命脈。
  5. 沒有意相的牽掛,我們的真誠真摰便自然流露。

Genuineness –

  1. Be genuine when dealing with worldly matters, not deceitful and treacherous. 
  2. To be genuine, our mental fabrications of who we are on what we do is disingenuous.
  3. The more our egoistic mind feels insignificant, the easier it is for our genuine self to be revealed. Weakening our egoistic mind will strengthen our genuine self.  
  4. Don’t be bragging, arrogant, conceited and complacent to supply the lifeline of one’s egotistical mind.
  5. When we are not hung up on our egoistic mind, our genuine and cordial manner are naturally revealed.

禮 –

  1. 禮是謙厚恭敬,尊卑分明的安心治亂功夫。
  2. 身心在任何場合做出恰當本分的禮,便能賦與人們從容自在的品質。
  3. 有禮的,是會知道辭讓去應對取捨;是會知道謙遜去面對得失。
  4. 無禮的,是反映出一顆雜亂無章的心,在順境中會得意忘形,在逆境中會失意彷徨。
  5. 禮猶如一度道德扇門,既可歇止外來的奸邪莽撞,亦可使自己安心棲息。

Propriety –

  1. Propriety, which is humility, sincerity and with proper manners no matter towards the senior or inferior, can bestow or restore peace in one’s mind.  
  2. When our mind and body exhibit the proper propriety for any situation, it endows us with calmness and well-being.  
  3. Propriety allows people to face profit and loss politely as well as to face victory or defeat with humility.
  4. One’s lack of propriety reveals a chaotic mind which gets carried away in good times and feels lost in hard times.  
  5. Propriety is like an ethical door which can stop external treacheries, viciousness, and rudeness to safeguard one’s inner peace.          

和 –

  1. 體和自會身心舒泰而卻病延年;人和自能凝聚眾力而易於成就事業。
  2. 和,不是說對方應該這樣那樣做來擺平表面的不和。
  3. 人際間最簡單直接的和,莫如先調和自己的內心世界,與現實時刻議和。
  4. 在人情事理上各盡己責,不干預對方的決擇自由,亦可算是人道上的中和。
  5. 心平氣和,不單是自己的平靜,更能喚起身旁各人心中的平和力量,使周遭亦呈現祥和。

Harmony –

  1. A harmonious mind gives one the mental well-being to have a healthier life. Harmonious relationships can easily unite common forces to achieve goals.
  2. To attain harmony is not by telling others what to do in order to reconcile the superficial discord.   
  3. The simplest and most direct way to harmonize with others is to reconcile our own heart first, and then harmonize with each momentary.   
  4. Each one doing one’s duty without interfering with another’s freedom of choice can be regarded as the essence of harmony.
  5. Our peace of mind can also activate the power of peace in others around us, manifesting an auspicious and harmonious environment for all.         

For more information

Much effort has been made to ensure that the meaning of each term is not lost in the translation to English. Please email me at  if you have any questions or would like more information.